La estabilización de la cal es una probada, EPA-Método aprobado para el tratamiento de lodos de depuradora. En las manos capaces de Schwing Bioset, la técnica de la adición de cal ha pasado de eficaz a excepcional.
Bioset’s process optimizes the chemical requirements and system efficiencies of lime stabilization. The end product, called Revinu, is safe and has many uses including fertilizer and as a soil stabilizer. Revinu is inexpensive and reliable, and produces a readily usable and valuable Class AA product.
En comparación con otros métodos de producción de material de Clase AA, el proceso Bioset es asequible tanto por los gastos de capital iniciales como por los costos continuos de operación y mantenimiento. El equipo está completamente automatizado y requiere muy poco tiempo por parte del operador. Como biosólido de Clase AA, el producto final puede usarse y manipularse ampliamente sin muchas de las restricciones impuestas a un producto de Clase B.
Revinu’s nutrient composition is a strong selling point. First, Revinu’s low phosphorus content means it can be applied in phosphorus-sensitive areas. Second, Revinu provides a slow-release alternative to commercial nitrogen, which gives consumers three times the amount of nitrogen breakdown for prolonged plant nutrition. Third, Revinu provides sufficient potassium-a nutrient that is often prohibitively expensive-to support root growth and proper seed germination for a fraction of the market price of potassium.
Finally, Revinu is made up of 35% to 55% organic humus. The humus in the material acts as a topsoil, replenishing the natural bacteria that are essential for optimal plant growth and root strength. Until Revinu arrived on the market, landowners were often unable to replace eroded topsoil due to the astronomical cost associated with the process. Revinu makes topsoil replenishment accessible and affordable.
In short, the Bioset process is the most versatile and attractive method for biosolids treatment on the market today.
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